Labels:book | booth | cassette tape | cell phone | person | refrigerator | shelf OCR: EH-1 FH EH-3 EH-4 EH-5 EH- EH-7 EH-8 EH-9 EH-11 FH EH-14 EH-15 EH-16 EH-17 EH-18 EH-19 EH-20 EH-21 EH-22 one sheet one sheet w/text textless TENITALNINNEN HEYIMES WUUNL.VASY ERBENER BRIAN CENNEAT SPUTN NNER CHALLNIN PEEE JAKE TAISTA PA FHIST HHTACE EELBER NNAP S SEJOHY JHANEY BAVA STFEEY FRTAN NORAIS ERSER JANET HEAN JFF GGENERAL AUDIENCES LJINAS BE ANELSL PERR CUNBET 2006 IDT Entertainment, ine All rights reserved Maior League Baseball trademark and copy rights used with permissigr Maior Leagur Basebal Properties ne Permissior newspaper nd beriodicals to reproduce this pres articles publicizin distributio picture This press sit, whole r in part. must not be leased sold, away license any materia containec ir the press xit please contact Fox Clip Licensing Department (310) 369-3605 TENIENLN ...